I wasn't sure whether he would keep it on. A few days before, I was telling him about his dinosaur costume and how cool it was. On Halloween, I put it on him and he was ready and willing. He was so adorable. Both grandmas were there to see him and he wanted to make sure they did. "Come on gramma, come on," he told them.

Then he looked in the mirror and was checking himself out. Probably thinking, "That is one good lookin' dinosaur."
The costume was perfect. And he was the best trick or treater ever. We sat him in a wagon, so he wouldn't get too tired. Everytime we stopped at a house, he was ready to go. We all took turns taking him up to the door, Jeremiah, grandpa Jesse, grandma Estella and I. He said "trick or treat" at almost every house we went to and "thank you." My boy is polite.

Every time I saw him walk up to a different house, a gust of wonderful emotions went through me. Some kids looked cute, but my baby was by far the cutest. He looked so grown up.
The coolest thing of all was that I had told him all about Halloween and what he would be doing. When the day finally arived, he knew just what to do, he had understood everything I had said. He was walking around as if he had been trick or treating for years.
All I have to do now is hide some of his candy. There is way too much for a two year old to handle on his own.