Jonas loves this little stuffed

bear that my mom bought at Ikea about a year and a half ago. His name is baby bear and Jonas talks to him all the time.
Jeremiah makes a high pitched voice with a mexican accent for baby bear.
Jonas loves this. He loves having conversations with him and now he has me talking like that too. "Mommy, talk like baby bear," he says. I do, but Jeremiah does it best.

Yesterday he took him into the bath with him. He was washing him, jumping with him and baby bear even got soap in his eyes.
Baby Bear gets so much love from Jonas, just like his favorite brown pillows do. He even made up a song tonight about him.
He'll squeeze him so tight and say out loud, "I love you, Baby Bear!"
I wish I got that kind of love from my little wild man! Well, I do, once in a while, but a mom would love it all times.