Dear Jonas,
You turned 52 months old on the 13th. You have been cooking non-stop lately. I've stopped to think about everything you make and there are some days where you and I have made breakfast, lunch, dinner and some snacks in between. You are one good little chef. I let you create whatever you want. You uses spices, cheeses, noodles, and lately you've been working with flour.

The other morning your friend Philip came over, but you walked over to the kitchen and told me you wanted to wash the dishes. I said, "Play with your friend, you can wash them later." You said, "I like to be in the kitchen."

We have started looking for preschools. At first I told you about them and you were not interested. "I am never going to a preschool. I am never going." Today we went to two and you liked them. We walked into a classroom while the kids were getting ready for nap time and you kept asking if you could take a nap with them.

I am so relieved that you want to go, but then I look at how fast you are growing up and I feel sad. My first born child is growing up and soon you won't need me as much. Poor mothers all over who have to watch their precious babies grow up.
I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be.