*Your birthday was on Saturday. We had a big party for you because you turned five. We had it all: a brinka-brinka, a bunch of balloons, friends from school, lots of family, good food and a Toy Story cake and pinata. You were excited about it all and even helped set it up.
I can't believe five years have gone by already. Where did the time go? Well, I know where it went. It passed us by as you...
- were learning how to talk at such an early age.
- sat still and listened while I read to you at about 19-months old (Angus doesn't have time for sitting still while I read).
- looked out the window of our little house on 4th street every morning watching the cars zoom by.
- learned how to bake and cook everything from cakes to enchiladas. Always wanting to make something for all of us to try.
- spent summers in a little plastic pool splashing, playing in the mud and holding the hose to cool off or just for fun.
- worked on puzzles and mastered them so quickly and so young.
- welcomed a baby brother into your life. It was a lot to take in, but you did it with ease and lots of love. You smelled his head for weeks after he was born.
- sat in a barbers chair and got your very first haircut.
- attended preschool and tried to keep a brave face the first day, until it was time to leave, then you started to cry. I cried in the parking lot after you went in. It was too much for mom, too.
You are a very compassionate little boy who feels bad when daddy has to go out of
town or when you hear about grandpa being sick. You still enjoy reading, every night,
three books or more, without fail.You have a great interest in nature. You now love video games, but which little boy doesn't. You are happy about having a sister, even though you keep telling me you want her to be your older sister.

You come up with the silliest things. After watching a Scotch-Brite commercial you now want all
the different types of scrubbers and you tell me what each one is for. Apparently, one is for tough angles, another for tough tub scrubbing and so on. You actually use them and clean stuff for mom. You are at the top of your preschool class, which doesn't surprise me at all.
Best of all I love you for being you!

I love everything about you, even when moods change, when smiles turn upside down, when grumpiness sets in, when you don't get your way and tell me I'm mean. Even though, sometimes, some moments are harder than others...
I love it all.

*At the end of your party, we let all of the balloons go in honor of you. I asked you to make a wish before you set yours off. You weren't sure what to wish for at first. After thinking it over you said:
"I wish for...a happy life."
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Happy Birthday!