Let me introduce you to one of the most important people in my life, my son Jonas. He was born in November, which makes him an almost 10-month-old bouncing baby boy, and I do mean bouncy.
This boy can move. Set him down, and he's off happily chasing our little chihuahua Pico. When Pico looks back and spots Jonas going for the hunt, he waits until Jonas gets so close he can almost pull his hair, then Pico takes off running. Jonas sits down, with a big toothless grin, knowing he was so close to catching his movable stuffed animal.
This is just one of the many adorable things Jonas does on a daily basis. But don't let this cute baby fool you. He has got quite a personality and quite an attitude. He knows what he likes and doesn't like, (at 10-months-old!), and you can't fool him.
This is just the beginning of my family's adventures with my beautiful son Jonas.