Every morning when Jonas wakes up,

he wants to be taken out of the bedroom. He'll reach out his arms to either me or Jeremiah and plead, "please get me out of here, I've been in here too long." While our brains are thinking of only sleep and staying comfortably in bed, we have to force ourselves up and get our little man out of the room.
He has this special routine he does every day.
We'll take him into the living room to watch Sesame Street. He sits on the rug and watches it for a few minutes, then he is off searching through his toy box. He grabs certain toys and looks at them for a split second, "No, that's not the one." He tosses them out, until he finds the one he was looking for. He plays with "the chosen one" until he's bored of it, then on to the next thing on his agenda.

He stands by the fireplace and goes through his books. (I neatly arrange them every night and as soon as I finish Jonas spots them looking so organized, he throws them until it looks like it did before I stacked them.) He'll look at them until one catches his eye. He sits down, turning every page, studying it, ever so carefully. Then he'll sometimes hand it to me, so I could read it to him. I do, but a few minutes go by and he crawls away.
Into the bedroom he goes. He sits in front of the bookshelf and takes out all the bottom row books. Making a huge mess for mommy, daddy or nana Estella to pick up. Then to daddy's dresser, where he takes out all the neatly folded shirts, one by one. He hands each of the shirts to me. I stack them on the bed and wait patiently to put them back.
In the kitchen, he holds onto the water cooler and sticks his finger where the water pours out from. He gets a few drops of water on his tiny index finger and offers it to me. I acccept his offer, of course, who could refuse.
In our bedroom, he takes all of his own clothes out of the drawers, then crawls over to the diaper organizer and hands his diapers to me. I thank him after each one he hands me.

Then it is back to the living room to find other interesting things to do.
These are what our days with Jonas are like. They aren't always in that exact order, but that is pretty much what he does around the house.