I don't know what could be bothering

Jonas. He wakes up every night crying. We change his diaper, offer him water, give him tylenol, what usually works to quiet him down is nursing him. He'll sleep for a couple of hours and then he's up again.
I feel so tired every morning that I don't know what to do. I was hoping that as he was getting older, our sleep problems would have receded a little, but that's not happening. Jeremiah and I sometimes guess and assume he is teething, but I don't see any new teeth popping up.
I am relishing every moment

I have with my Jonas, because I will soon be working. I feel so bummed about having to leave him for so many hours a day. I keep thinking of all the things I'm going to miss. He's growing so fast and I wish I could be there for every new thing he learns.
I was lucky enough to have most of his first year off. I went to school, but that was only a few days out of the week. Now I'm going to be away 40 hours a week. I think I'm taking it harder than he will. I'm going to miss our days together. I know he'll be fine with my mom, but I can't stop thinking about how much I'll miss spending time with him.
I was putting his pants on him the other day.

I looked at his feet, they looked so small and adorable. I was overwhelmed with love. I hugged him tight, as he was attempting to wiggle out of my arms.
This little person I am raising is mine, all mine. He is a sweet little guy, too. He rests his head on my chest, as if he's telling me, "I love you, too, mama."

A year ago, we stared at this little person who couldn't talk and barely moved. Now, he communicates so well. I understand most of what he tells me or points at. Although, there is one thing I can't seem to understand. He's been saying, "dacorn" or "d'accord". One sounds like popcorn and the other is a french word. I don't know, I guess I'll keep trying to figure it out.