Every night, we pick every thing up and put it back in its place. But as soon as I step into another room and look back to the one I had just cleaned, it’s messy again. Aahh! It’s the twilight zone.
No, not really. It’s Jonas man, taking his toys out of the toy box, grabbing

Telling him “no” will get you nowhere. When he is in his car seat and I hand him his sippy cup, he’ll take a few drinks, then he’ll look at me and let the water drizzle out of his mouth onto his nice, dry shirt. “No, baby don’t do that, you’re getting all wet,” I tell him. This motivates him even more and he laughs, so it turns into a game. I take away the cup and tickle his chin, he lets out the cutest giggle, one could ever hear. This continues for about ten minutes. Good times!
We went to the library today.

I spoke to her mom and asked her if her daughter was sleeping through the night. She gave me a “look” and said no. She didn’t have to answer; the “look” said it all. We talked about baby joys and woes. It felt good to talk to someone who knows exactly what I am going through and to know that I’m not alone, with the ever so prevalent, sleep issue.
We had a not-so-healthy dinner, but it sure was fun. We ate top ramen noodles. Jeremiah and Jonas, both shirtless, had a contest: Who could slurp the longest noodle, the fastest. Jonas won, of course.

Watching my boys enjoy dinner, looking so beautiful together, makes me think, life can't get any better than this.