Then he shared his crackers with a spunky little two year old. She kept asking Jonas to sit on a chair next to her. The chair was to high, so Jonas just stared at her with a confused look on his face.
"Armenta, Jonas," the nurse called. In we go. He is starting to realize that doctor's offices may be a little scary.
"You can undress him, diaper and all, so I could weigh him," said the nurse. Jonas started crying as soon as I did that. He did not like it one bit. He weighed 21 pounds 10.5 ounces. He's a fit little guy.

He calmed down and was happily eating his banana when the doctor stepped in. As soon as the doctor sat on his stool, Jonas dropped his banana on the floor almost on Dr. Nagorka's shoe. "Woah, you missed me, buddy."
The doctor pulled out his pen and Jonas immediately said, "conody". Which means, coloring. I told the doc what j-man was trying to say. "Yeah, it's a pen," said Dr. Nagorka. "Pen," said Jonas. Then I told the doctor that Jonas knows and says over 70 words. I forgot to mention that he is also bilingual.
Boy was he impressed.
Jonas realized he had a piece of banana on his finger and said, "Mama, banana," and pointed at it, indicating I should remove it. "Hey you're a smarty pants," said the doctor.
He then looked at the doctor and said, "granpa" and we all giggled. I think he was telling him that his "granpas" also have

As soon as the doc's stethescope touched Jonas' chest the wailing began. He didn't mind the doctor at first, because there was a distance betweeen them. But then the stranger anxiety hit and Jonas wanted nothing to do with him. Dr. Nagorka finished his checkup and walked out to get Jonas a fire truck book.
The doc handed the book to Jonas. Jonas quieted down and just stared at the doctor probably thinking, I guess you're not that bad and gently grabbed the book from his hand.
Things were better after that.
But J-man didn't know immunizations were next on the agenda. He got two on his left leg. The nurse was quick, but I know they hurt my baby. He cried all the way to the truck.

Nana 'Stella showed him his new book and he started flipping through it. That calmed him down.
As we were leaving, the doctor said, "Keep doing what you're doing." I smiled and said thanks. My little man is healthy and super smart. Jeremiah, my mom and I aren't doing a bad job raising Jonas.