A few weeks ago, we packed up some

munchies and headed to the lake. It was Miah, Tyler, Jonas and I, with water on our minds. We had a fun time, even though the water was pretty warm.

As soon as we got there, the birds found our chips and tore the bag up. They know all too well about humans and their junk food.

Jonas played in the sand with his trains, shovels and pail. He even walked over to join a little boy, who looked a couple of years older than j-man, but that kid just wasn't feelin' the company.

Jonas asked him what his name was and the little boy said, "I don't like to tell people my name." Well, Jonas and I walked away. We know when we are not wanted!
So then we got into the water and splashed with daddy.

We sat on our blanket eating a sweet watermelon, some cantaloupe, chips (another bag, that made it past the birds) and drank lots of water.
Jonas fell asleep on the way home. We had a really nice time!

Jonas' hair after it dried had the most beautiful curls. Women spend hours trying to achieve such perfect locks.