My mom and dad came over on Thursday. Jonas was having a good old time playing with them.
These three were jumping on the bed, running around the house playing chase

and going into our messy bedroom with a flashlight. Jonas called it the haunted house. It can be a little scary at times, what with piles of clothes here and there.
He was so tired at the end of the night from playing so much that he told me he was ready for bed.

He got on the bed and began caressing his brown pillow (it's like a favorite blankie) and told grandma, "You sleep on the floor, grandma."
If she got up to go potty, he waited for her to come back in, made sure she was on the floor and then got comfortable himself and fell asleep.
Of course, grandma listened to him

and pretended to sleep on the floor. These two are so funny together. When they are together, it's hard to see which is the adult and which is the child.
He had her trying to say "spongebob" corrrectly. Grandma says, "bombpop". So he said, "Just try it grandma."
She did and said it correctly. He was so proud of her. "You did it grandma!"