Another lovely, yet hot afternoon spent fishing. We didn't catch anything, again, but Jeremiah sure tried.

Mr. Jonas loves playing with our bait. They bought these big, fat worms that Jonas loves to experiment with.

He threw one in the water, put one on a tree and wrapped one around baby bear's neck, like a scarf, to keep him warm.

I don't do much because I'm just too big to do anything. I can't wait for the day to finally arrive. I am so ready to see this baby and to be myself again. I can't even walk for very long.

My little man has been so patient. He understands that his baby brother is in my tummy. No jealousy yet and I hope it stays that way.
Our whole world revolves around Jonas. I kind of feel bad, because we will be taking that attention from him. It will all work out. I hope.