Monday, June 29, 2009
Month 43
Dear Jonas,
I started this blog when you were 10-months-old. I am going to start writing a letter to you every month to let you know about what a wonderful little boy you are. It's going to have all the ups and downs of your life.
Here we go. I hope you enjoy this.
You are finally getting over this grumpy state that you have been in for the past couple of months. I think I know why you have been Mr. Negative lately. Well, you have a brand new little brother who has been taking up my attention. Yes, I am trying to find a way to give you each the attention you deserve. It has not been easy and I know that is why you have been getting upset lately or irritated at the tiniest of things. Thank god you are finally getting over this. Life is much easier when you are happy.
You have been watching a lot of Gumby lately. Which I think is awesome because you like something that has such simple animation. Grandma Estella bought the Gumby movie for you and you absolutely love it. I used to watch it when I was little. Only thing is you want to watch it a couple of times a day. I know that you will soon move on to something new, so I allow it.
The other day I was telling you about how much fun school was going to be when you start going. We plan on putting you in preschool when you are four. You looked excited for a second, then you asked me, "Are you going to be there?" And I said, "I will be dropping you off and picking you up." And you did not like it one bit. Well, you frowned instantly and you said, "I don't want to go to school" about four times. So I dropped the subject.
You have been very attached to me, more than before, even. Ever since I came back from the hospital you have not wanted to leave my sight. Dad was feeling bummed because you didn't want to hang out with just him, but I think now you are getting over that too. You know that I am here and that I am not going anywhere. I will always be here! You don't ever have to worry about that.
You have so many interests: gardening, cooking, drawing, painting. The other day you said you wanted to be a pilot and you were going to fly me to Paris. Paris! I can't wait to for the time when we can travel together. Then a few days later you said you were going to work at Denny's and make food for everyone. That is your favorite restaurant. Daddy took us there one night and the first thing we ordered was a strawberry milkshake. That one you over, instantly.
Words you use: dignified, splendid, realize. Your vocabulary is amazing. Your daddy and I sometimes think we are talking to a teenager not a three-year old.
You absolutely love Angus. I know it is hard for you at times to see him in my arms most of the time, but you never let it get to you. Instead, you give him kisses on his head or fart on his tummy. You look out for him. If someone is holding him and he cries, you say, "I think he needs tee-tee."
In the early morning hours when you call me to your room, sometimes Angus starts crying to be fed and I tell you, "I'll be right back, I have to feed brother." You say, "NO," but then warm up immediately and say, "Okay, go feed baby brother."
I feel blessed to have a little boy that is so smart. You love books and you memorize them so quickly. You did this when you were younger, but I hadn't tested you in a while. The other day I started reading a book to you and paused on one of the sentences and you finished it for me. Then I asked you to read the rest of the page and you did. I can't even do that.