I read about all the benefits reading can have on a child, especially a baby. Of course I knew most of this without having to look it up, but it still boosted my motivation to want to read to him every night.
Those thoughts of reading every night lasted for about a week. Reality set in and I realized that I would have to be wonder woman to read to him night after night. Sometimes I am so tired or have so much homework that it is hard to fit a book in. But I do read to him as much as I can.
Jonas has proven to be quite the bookworm, which I am very proud of. When we are in the living room playing, Jonas will grab one of his books, and leaf through it, page by page. He'll stop, touch the fur on the cats tail or flap the birds wings ( they stick out) from one of his favorite touch-and-feel books, "Whose tail, Peter Rabbit?"

When he finishes looking through the book, he'll start over, gently turning the page with his chubby little fingers. If he should miss a page, well, he goes back and tries to turn it once again, sometimes closing it up or accidentally starting over.
I could watch him do this for hours. Of course he doesn't sit there for hours, but I soak in as much as I can of my little man for those 10 or 15 minutes he sits quietly enjoying his book.
The benefits of reading are endless:
I have noticed that when I read to him, he actually stops what he is doing and listens to what I'm saying. He may not fully comprehend what I am reading, but he is listening. I also think reading has a lot to do with him saying so many new words. Well, I like to call them words.

He is just so smart. I'm in awe of my little munchkin!
He already has his little library of good books, which I know will grow with every passing year. I will continue to read to my sweet baby as long as I can, and as long as he'll let me.