Thursday, October 05, 2006

Teething, the root of all evil, maybe?

I was reading about teething because Jonas has been very irritable lately. He came down with a fever on Saturday and has not been his cheerfull self since. I spoke to my mom about it, and she said it was because of his teething that he had the high temperature.

I began to wonder.

I've been reading a lot of different information. Some say a low grade fever will erupt and others say fevers are not associated with teething.

We took him to the doctor and it turned out that he had some type of viral infection. The doc said to give him some motrin or tylenol to make the fever go down, but nothing too bad to worry about.

But, guess what else happened? He cut his first two teeth this week. He has one bottom central incisor and a top central incisor. My little baby is growing up so fast!

On babycenter they have a list of symptoms babies may exhibit while teething.

• Drooling (which can lead to a facial rash)
• Gum swelling and sensitivity
• Irritability or fussiness
• Biting behavior
• Refusing food
• Sleep problems

He had all these symptoms, all week, but after his fever finally went away on Monday, something else happened. I put him to bed at 7 that night. I kept waiting for him to wake up and he didn't wake up until 3 a.m. to nurse. He fell back to sleep and awoke at 6:45.

That's 8 hours of non-interrupted sleep for my boy. I think his teething was causing his restless sleep.

Scratch that idea! He just woke up, after 3 hours of sleep. I have to go tend to my little monkey.