Jeremiah and I were both watching him when he made his first big leap from being a baby to toddlerhood. Excited does not even begin to explain how we felt. Jonas knew he had done something big, but he was not ready to try it again.
I stood him up and said, "Walk to daddy," but he was done for the time being.

My little man is growing up so fast. I feel happy, but at the same time, a little sad because he wont be my baby for long.
He is already showing his independence and he has such a beautiful personality.
He is so loving

He is so friendly. When we are out and Jonas is in his stroller, he'll get so excited when he spots another stroller or car seat. He'll say, "baby" and he's a baby himself, he's so sweet. He loves to see babies and kids. He loves it when his cousin Walker comes over. When Jonas is a little older, I bet he's going think his cousin Walker is the coolest person.

Oh Jonas, you are such a beautiful little person! I can't wait to see you running around, being the lovely and wild person that you are.