The day we brought Jonas home from the hospital we sat down on the couch and called little Pico over. We introduced him to the newest member of the family. He sniffed around Jonas' little head and looked up at us and then jumped off the couch.
He didn't know his life was about to change.
He was not allowed on

When Jonas started crawling, he began noticing his little mascot. He would get so happy when he would see his little puppy walking by him, Pico not even giving Jonas the time of day. I would grab Pico and let Jonas touch him. Jonas' eyes lit up every time.
Pico began getting used to the baby.
They began playing a little cat and mouse game. Jonas would spot Pico and chase him around the living room. Pico would grab his toy and run from Jonas. When Jonas saw Pico coming around the corner, he would say, "Pics" in a whisper.
About a month ago Pico started getting closer to us when we would play. He was comfortable being around Jonas and Jonas respected him. Jonas wouldn't try to reach out and pull his hair, like he used to do. He even offered him some of his food. He would drop a piece of what he was eating from his high chair down to Pico, where he waited so patiently for something to fall.
On our morning and afternoon walks, Pico was always present. Jonas would hold his leash and I was teaching him not to let go of him. He was learning how to take care of his little pet so well.
Last Saturday, our little Pico passed away. It's been hard getting used to him not being here anymore,

we miss him so much. We used to say he and Jonas were going to be the best of buddies. Now he will only be a memory in our hearts. When Jonas is big enough, I will tell him about his little buddy Pico and how much happiness he brought our family.