We celebrated his birthday on Saturday at the park with family and friends. He had about 30 people show up to his birthday party. Way more people than Jeremiah or I have ever had show up on our birthdays. And that's the two of us combined.
He was loving all the attention he was getting. Not even being bothered by the many arms reaching for him. He went with both grandma's and grandpas, aunts, uncles and played with his little cousins, whom he rarely gets a chance to see.
There are so many new physical, social and intellectual developments going on with our little man.
Does he ever! On our afternoon walks, we pass by his aunt Anto's two horses, Spiderman and Cricket, and Jonas will get upset if we don't stop and see them. He will turn around and look at us, letting us know exactly what he wants us to do. If we don't we'll hear it from him, alright. He'll cry and get really upset, so off we go to visit the horses, which isn't a bad thing. I'm glad he loves animals.
When he hears anyone laugh, he lets out this chuckle himself, as if he also understood the joke that was just said. It's so funny to hear him. His uncle Ivan was laughing at something Jonas was doing today, then Jonas started laughing, too. They were both in on the joke.
If Jonas has something he isn't supposed to have and we try to take it away from him, he looks for it the last place he remembers he saw it. Jeremiah has to constantly take his cell phone away from Jonas. This is Jonas' most favorite "toy" to play with. But he knows when his daddy takes it. He looks behind, under and over Jeremiah. I just had it. It has to be somewhere around here, he must think.
I can't believe a whole year has already passed.
Jonas, Jeremiah and I have come a long way,

We still have our many parenting dilemmas. Sleeping is still an issue with us. I worry about how long we will have this problem, but I know we'll get through it, just like we have everything else.