All that you have been asking for is the "piggy that eats hamburgers" and the spongebob sno-cone maker.
Can't wait to see your face christmas morning.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Month 44
Dear Jonas,
You turned 44 months old five days ago. You have been a very busy bee, what with all the coloring you do. You ask to get a picture printed out every day. Our printer is almost out of black ink because of you! You love coloring with markers and I am so proud that you put the tops on your markers and put them away in their special box.

The other day you threw a fit because you wanted these markers called "Blendy Pens" from Costco. You were screaming in the store and crying because you wanted them so bad. Well, you didn't get them and all the screaming and crying didn't help you. So, I showed you our change jar and told you to put any pennies, nickels, dimes or quarters you find, so that you can save up for your blendy pens. I wanted to teach you about saving and all that good stuff. Well, you finally had enough and we bought them. You were so happy because you bought them with the money you saved.

Next on our money earning agenda is to have a yard sale. You have sorted the toys you don't want anymore into three boxes. All we need now is good weather. It has been so hot.
I am sorry that we are stuck indoors most of the day. I have been looking for events or activities for us to do. But living in Arizona in the heat can be tough on a parent, or me, i guess.

Lately you have been asking me what ingredients are needed to make the foods we eat. We'll be seated at the table eating, then you ask, "What ingredients do you use to make pancakes?" So, I go through all the ingredients. This morning you asked dad what ingredients you needed to make people. You really got him there, he tried his best to answer that one.
Keep those questions rolling.
You turned 44 months old five days ago. You have been a very busy bee, what with all the coloring you do. You ask to get a picture printed out every day. Our printer is almost out of black ink because of you! You love coloring with markers and I am so proud that you put the tops on your markers and put them away in their special box.

The other day you threw a fit because you wanted these markers called "Blendy Pens" from Costco. You were screaming in the store and crying because you wanted them so bad. Well, you didn't get them and all the screaming and crying didn't help you. So, I showed you our change jar and told you to put any pennies, nickels, dimes or quarters you find, so that you can save up for your blendy pens. I wanted to teach you about saving and all that good stuff. Well, you finally had enough and we bought them. You were so happy because you bought them with the money you saved.

Next on our money earning agenda is to have a yard sale. You have sorted the toys you don't want anymore into three boxes. All we need now is good weather. It has been so hot.
I am sorry that we are stuck indoors most of the day. I have been looking for events or activities for us to do. But living in Arizona in the heat can be tough on a parent, or me, i guess.

Lately you have been asking me what ingredients are needed to make the foods we eat. We'll be seated at the table eating, then you ask, "What ingredients do you use to make pancakes?" So, I go through all the ingredients. This morning you asked dad what ingredients you needed to make people. You really got him there, he tried his best to answer that one.
Keep those questions rolling.
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Month 43

Dear Jonas,
I started this blog when you were 10-months-old. I am going to start writing a letter to you every month to let you know about what a wonderful little boy you are. It's going to have all the ups and downs of your life.
Here we go. I hope you enjoy this.

You have been watching a lot of Gumby lately. Which I think is awesome because you like something that has such simple animation. Grandma Estella bought the Gumby movie for you and you absolutely love it.

The other day I was telling you about how much fun school was going to be when you start going. We plan on putting you in preschool when you are four. You looked excited for a second, then you asked me, "Are you going to be there?" And I said, "I will be dropping you off and picking you up." And you did not like it one bit. Well, you frowned instantly and you said, "I don't want to go to school" about four times. So I dropped the subject.

You have been very attached to me, more than before, even. Ever since I came back from the hospital you have not wanted to leave my sight. Dad was feeling bummed because you didn't want to hang out with just him, but I think now you are getting over that too. You know that I am here and that I am not going anywhere. I will always be here! You don't ever have to worry about that.
You have so many interests: gardening, cooking, drawing, painting. The other day you said you wanted to be a pilot and you were going to fly me to Paris. Paris! I can't wait to for the

Words you use: dignified, splendid, realize. Your vocabulary is amazing. Your daddy and I sometimes think we are talking to a teenager not a three-year old.
You absolutely love Angus.

In the early morning hours when you call me to your room, sometimes Angus starts crying to be fed and I tell you, "I'll be right back, I have to feed brother." You say, "NO," but then warm up immediately and say, "Okay, go feed baby brother."
I feel blessed to have a

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Big Brother

If we are in the car and Angus starts to cry, he'll give him his binky.
He is learning patience, little by little. Sometimes things can't be done as fast as

He is my little artist. Always working on some art project, coloring in his coloring books, or drawing pictures of his favorite cartoon characters, like spongebob.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
First Haircut

I was worried about him getting scared or something, especially because he started crying after he saw Jeremiah with short hair.
He loved his long hair, but I told him it would only be a little shorter. He was ready.
Looking at these photos makes me sad. He is growing up so fast. That smile, those cheeks, his bravery...brings tears to my eyes.
He amazes me every day. He knows so much and speaks so well. He absolutely loves his baby brother and gives him kisses every day.

Sometimes he acts up, but it's only normal considering how quickly his life changed.

Yeah, he has his Jonas moments, like when he sends people to work or tries to boss people around, but that just makes him more interesting. He holds his own when he's around older kids, no one tells him what to do.

He was so sweet!
I always hug him and tell him, "Don't go growin' up too fast!"
"I won't grow up too fast," he reassures me.
I love him so much!!!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Another day

Another lovely, yet hot afternoon spent fishing. We didn't catch anything, again, but Jeremiah sure tried.

Mr. Jonas loves playing with our bait. They bought these big, fat worms that Jonas loves to experiment with.

He threw one in the water, put one on a tree and wrapped one around baby bear's neck, like a scarf, to keep him warm.

I don't do much because I'm just too big to do anything. I can't wait for the day to finally arrive. I am so ready to see this baby and to be myself again. I can't even walk for very long.

My little man has been so patient. He understands that his baby brother is in my tummy. No jealousy yet and I hope it stays that way.
Our whole world revolves around Jonas. I kind of feel bad, because we will be taking that attention from him. It will all work out. I hope.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
My little chef

We had a limited amount of sprinkles but he made sure each cupcake had some.
The other night he helped with dinner by cutting up the asparagus in pieces putting them in the pot, shucking

One of his specialties is mac and cheese. It's his favorite and he makes it really cheesy!
I guess this love for baking and cooking runs in the family.

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Monday, March 09, 2009
Gone Fishin'

He and Jeremiah even dug for their worms before heading out to the park.

He was a little hungry and started eating straight from the can of corn we took.

Sunday, March 08, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Caught Red Handed
I caught Jonas getting
into the cinnamon rolls we baked yesterday.
I was in the laundry room getting clothes from the dryer and walked in to find him eating his second cinnamon roll.
He picked up the crate from the shop and used it to get to them.
He was half naked because he had just gone potty.
Silly boy!

I was in the laundry room getting clothes from the dryer and walked in to find him eating his second cinnamon roll.
He picked up the crate from the shop and used it to get to them.

Silly boy!
"Baby Bear and the Lava" by Jonas Armenta
One day baby bear was going to the store at the donut place and he ran into yucky stuff and bubble gum. His mommy and daddy held all the bubble gum and then ran into the yucky stuff.
He didn't run into the lava and fire. He got out of the yucky stuff and he had to go poopo in the bathroom at the store and he was done and he didn't wash his hands.
He picked up a pastry, a strawberry one, and he went outside and it was raining. He couldn't eat his pastry. The little dog and Toucan ran away in the street and the little dog tried to catch him and there was nothing in AJ's.
Baby Bear went to AJ's and there was nothing in there. Then Toucan went in to look for little dog, he was in the store standing on the balloons real high.
Baby Bear said, "Where did everything
Toucan says, "Over there." Little dog runs out of the store and then Toucan runs into the yucky stuff.
The End.
He didn't run into the lava and fire. He got out of the yucky stuff and he had to go poopo in the bathroom at the store and he was done and he didn't wash his hands.
He picked up a pastry, a strawberry one, and he went outside and it was raining. He couldn't eat his pastry. The little dog and Toucan ran away in the street and the little dog tried to catch him and there was nothing in AJ's.
Baby Bear went to AJ's and there was nothing in there. Then Toucan went in to look for little dog, he was in the store standing on the balloons real high.
Baby Bear said, "Where did everything

Toucan says, "Over there." Little dog runs out of the store and then Toucan runs into the yucky stuff.
The End.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Play Doh Ice Cream

In yummy flavors, like coconut, watermelon sorbet, vanilla and strawberry.
Ice cream man Jonas was busy all afternoon making these treats.
We couldn't touch these masterpieces or else we'd have an angry little boy after us!

Friday, February 06, 2009
Bath Time with Baby Bear
Jonas loves this little stuffed
bear that my mom bought at Ikea about a year and a half ago. His name is baby bear and Jonas talks to him all the time.
Jeremiah makes a high pitched voice with a mexican accent for baby bear.
Jonas loves this. He loves having conversations with him and now he has me talking like that too. "Mommy, talk like baby bear," he says. I do, but Jeremiah does it best.
Yesterday he took him into the bath with him. He was washing him, jumping with him and baby bear even got soap in his eyes.
Baby Bear gets so much love from Jonas, just like his favorite brown pillows do. He even made up a song tonight about him.
He'll squeeze him so tight and say out loud, "I love you, Baby Bear!"
I wish I got that kind of love from my little wild man! Well, I do, once in a while, but a mom would love it all times.

Jeremiah makes a high pitched voice with a mexican accent for baby bear.
Jonas loves this. He loves having conversations with him and now he has me talking like that too. "Mommy, talk like baby bear," he says. I do, but Jeremiah does it best.

Yesterday he took him into the bath with him. He was washing him, jumping with him and baby bear even got soap in his eyes.
Baby Bear gets so much love from Jonas, just like his favorite brown pillows do. He even made up a song tonight about him.
He'll squeeze him so tight and say out loud, "I love you, Baby Bear!"
I wish I got that kind of love from my little wild man! Well, I do, once in a while, but a mom would love it all times.
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