Tuesday, May 22, 2007

On Weaning

The day has finally arrived. I have decided it is time to wean my precious baby. He is 18 months old and growing so fast. I feel sad because nursing him was such a special time for us both. Now, I am taking that away from him. I know, I am making it harder on myself. I know he will just forget, with time. But, I will miss our special moments together. Moment’s only he and I could share.

But I will replace our nursing time with lots of cuddling and play time.

He usually asks for his "ti-ti" when he wants to relax, after I get home from work or when he is ready for bed. When he was a baby, nursing would solve every problem. Instant relief would show in his eyes, as I sat and stared at his cherubic face.

On Sunday, I was trying to deny him of his afternoon nap “titi” and he cried, I cried and Jeremiah only watched. Not fully understanding how I felt or how Jonas was feeling. In the end, Jeremiah gave in and offered my “ti-ti” to Jonas. I guess, dad did understand.

But this time, I am going to be strong. He is eating well, drinking lots of regular milk and is getting too big for his loving “ti-ti.” I know it’s for the best.

Last night was the first night without “ti-ti” and it went well. We lay on the bed.
He asked for his soothing “ti-ti” and I told him I would sing to him.
“Ginkle,” requested Jonas. “Twinkle, twinkle, little star,” I sang as he repeated some of the words. “Upabove," “dimon” says my little man as his eyes slowly closed. A few minutes later, he was asleep. I think it was a little too easy, though. I’ll have to report in a week on how well or not so well, we both handled this situation.

For now, I'll just have to accept the fact that my little man is growing up, even though I don't want him to, at least not too fast.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Grandma and the boss