Monday, February 22, 2010

Bath time

The boys eating oranges in the sink.

I tried to take Angy out and Jonas said, "Put him back in." Then Angy started crying because he didn't want to get out. So, I put him back in.

Angus splashed and splashed and Jonas squirted bubbles out of the "baby wash" bottle.

The kitchen floor was wet, mom was soaked, but the boys were happy.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Nana Irma

I'm so glad you feel comfy at Nana's house, like I did when I was little. You asked if you could "borrow" her new box of cereal.

She gave it to you!

That's Nana for you!

Red, green and yellow!!

In the sink. Lookin' a little too big, but having lots of fun.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Jonas and Philip painting outside on a lovely day.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A flower from my boy!

It was the day before Valentine's day, we were walking to daddy's shop and you spotted these pretty yellow dandelions. You walked on over, picked one and handed it to me, "Here mama, a flower for you."

It was so sweet. It came from your little heart and I love that.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Riding around the block

"I'm going to ride all the way to the shop."

Monday, February 01, 2010

Month 51

Dear Jonas,

A lot has happened since the last letter I posted. You are four years old now. Christmas has passed. A new year has begun.

I can't believe that this year you are going to turn five! What! My little boy will soon be going to kindergarten, but lets not mention that now because I may start to cry.

We've had some ups and downs.

You are really loving cooking, baking, and just creating lots of different stuff. Daddy and I think its wonderful and we try to include you when we are cooking something new or different. We try to show you new stuff, well, as much as we know.

Today we made banana bread just because you heard someone making it on t.v. I found a recipe and just stood there, supervising, because you did all the work. You are a great baker!

This weekend you had lots of fun because your friend, Philip, came to visit you. He is eight years old, but you two get along really well. You two threw rocks into the canal, watched spongebob and colored. You even cried when he had to go home. You get pretty upset when lots of people have to leave. Even some of daddy's customers.

We have also had some not-fun moments. Today we went to the store to pick up some baby wipes and you threw a big fit over a spongebob video game that was $25. You screamed in the store and it was not fun at all. Buddy Boo was watching you and I argue. You didn't get it, of course. You were very angry!

You are the best older brother. You give Angus some sweet nicknames. The one that has stuck is "Buddy Boo" or "Angy Pangy". You always say stuff like, "Babies have cute heads," or "Buddy Boo's cute, Willy's Butte," just cause it rhymes.

The only time you get upset with him is when he pulls your hair or when he destroys something you are working on or gets in the way when you are playing. I can put a bunch of toys in front of him, but he would much rather be where the real action is, with his big brother.
