Jonas didn't want to go because he was worried about the rooster that hangs out in the back yard. When we went to feed the animals yesterday, I was in the front trying to open the door, when I heard Jonas crying and calling for me.

"Mama, I want you," he said.
I ran over to the back and found him. I asked what had happened. "The rooster was getting me!" he said. "I won't let him get you baby," I said.
This time, Jeremiah showed Jonas that the rooster wouldn't scare him again.

At the park, Jonas played for a long time with a couple of kids he met. They shared their toy.

After dinner we took a walk to the baseball field, where he found a baseball. He threw it around, then to daddy, then asked if he could take it home. We said yes, but I guess he changed his mind. On our way back home, he threw it back into the field.

Before bedtime, I grabbed the camera and started snapping away. I kept asking him to make different faces. Happy faces, scary faces, silly faces, and some really serious ones got in the mix.

We are always laughing so much. We have a special secret we tell each other. "I have a secret," I say, as I whisper into his ear. Well, I can't say what it is or else it wouldn't be a secret, but it's a funny one. I say it and we look at each other and crack up. Jeremiah is in on it, too. All I can say is that it has to do with gas.

He is the funniest little boy. I love his sense of humor so much. There is never a dull moment around here!