Monday, September 13, 2010

Month 58

Dear Jonas,

You turned 58 months old. You are getting closer and closer to the big 5 and almost off to big boy school. You are already turning into such a handsome young boy. That little brain of yours is full and full of ideas every single day.

You come up with the silliest things. I have to hug you to hold on to you at this age. Some day you are going to be all grown up and I will look back on these years and remember all your sweet and carefree ways.

Video games are hot on your mind. I wish they weren't around, but there's nothing I can do now, except to limit your time on them. Dad wishes you never played them at all. It's hard when that is all you see or hear about from friends and family. They are tempting and fun, and I can easily see how hours can be spent on them, but you do listen when it's
time to stop playing.
You and Angus are so
good together. Some days there isn't a fight in sight. Other days, you get mad at him for doing something to you or taking something from you. I am sorry, but that is just what little brothers do. He wants to be just like YOU! He repeats everything you say and copies everything you do. Forget about his baby toys, even the toys you like, he likes.

Dad has been working a lot these days and he wishes he didn't have to, but there is nothing he can do about it. I can see how much you miss him being around most evenings.

We continue to read at night.
That interest is still there, thank goodness! You ask questions about words you don't recognize and you use them later, correctly.

You know all your letters and numbers, can recognize them and say them without hesitation. You know the days of the week and months of the year. "S-T-O-P, stop, you have to stop at the stop sign, mom."

You are an amazing little boy and you are only four, but no matter what age, you will always be my little boy.

Love you,