I feel so tired every morning that I don't know what to do. I was hoping that as he was getting older, our sleep problems would have receded a little, but that's not happening. Jeremiah and I sometimes guess and assume he is teething, but I don't see any new teeth popping up.
I am relishing every moment

I was lucky enough to have most of his first year off. I went to school, but that was only a few days out of the week. Now I'm going to be away 40 hours a week. I think I'm taking it harder than he will. I'm going to miss our days together. I know he'll be fine with my mom, but I can't stop thinking about how much I'll miss spending time with him.
I was putting his pants on him the other day.

This little person I am raising is mine, all mine. He is a sweet little guy, too. He rests his head on my chest, as if he's telling me, "I love you, too, mama."